Every generation longs for that one moment that changes everything, for that one event that sets right past wrongs and marks a clear change in direction toward a bright and glorious destiny. And deep within every individual is a longing for more, a knowing that they were born for greatness. The release of the "Crown Her a King" series marks just such a moment in history. This groundbreaking series will topple ancient strongholds that have disempowered all Christian believers, especially our women. This series will equip our generation to take back our dominion, establishing God's glorious Kingdom on this earth. Never before has such powerful, revelatory truth come in such easy to listen to, comprehensible bite-size package.
Cancerous Chaldee is the first in a series of twelve biblically sound, yet revolutionary mini-books. Here, through a powerful dream followed by a decade long journey, God downloaded to Susan Dewbrew how the Church contracted a devastating and debilitating disease. She exposes an age-old plot of the deceiver and sets the listener back on the powerful road of biblical truth. Never again will you believe the lie that God intended 'women to be silent in the church'!
As Mark Virkler wrote in the forward, "With refreshing optimism and not a hint of the feminist Jezebel spirit, Susan invites us to travel with her as she discovers more of God's plan for women, His Church and indeed, the world. In what could potentially be a divisive presentation, Susan's sweet spirit and sincere humility make her message easy to receive, as does her passionate love for Christ and His Church which come shining through on every page.
You see, we are all sons of God; we are the Bride of Christ; we are all royal priests, and we are all kings in His Kingdom. And it's time for His Bride, the Church, to become all He destined for her to be - a glorious Bride worthy of her Majestic Groom. We can do it! And together, we can change this world!