Driving Towards Disaster: The Story Thus Far (Unabridged)
Written by:
Narrated by:
Phil Williams
2 hours and 43 min.
Release Date:
PAL Productions

Most people run from disasters, but for people like Jake it's your job to get to one as fast as you can. This time he is not so sure he wants to go. A major global pandemic is going on and a major hurricane has just hit the Gulf Coast. To make matters worse, the government is forcing the evacuees back to the storm stricken cities or placing them in isolation and quarantine. His chances of helping others or becoming a casualty himself have just taken a turn for the worse as the U.S. declares martial law for a storm ravaged coast.

Follow this short tale of bad government policy and impending apocalypse. A few simple bottles sitting in a window and a few silver coins. Can this be all that can be offered as a remedy to the virus that plagues mankind? Will the view of the back garden ever get back to the same? Or will it become a graveyard for memories? A post apocalyptic tale of what might be foretold for America's future, the economy and mankind.

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