Gillian Flynn succeeds at creating a psychological thriller with her third novel, Gone Girl. After losing their writing jobs in New York City, Nick and Amy Dunne discover that their perfect relationship is not as solid as it seems. Nick decides to move to Carthage, Missouri to care for his ill parents, and Amy figures out that her parents have been depleting her trust account to recover from their own financial hardships. Despite her resentment, Amy purchases a bar for her husband and his twin sister with the remaining money from her trust fund. The suspense in Gone Girl revolves around the disappearance of Amy Dunne and the accusations against her husband.
This literary review of Flynn's novel Gone Girl covers the good and the bad to give you a comprehensive view of the story. Listeners enjoy a suspenseful mystery while witnessing the complications of marriage from the two narratives of husband and wife. This review explains what you can gain from reading Gone Girl, and describes the type of reader who will enjoy this novel. Discover secrets kept by Amy Dunne as you encounter unexpected plot twists and surprising outcomes in Flynn's latest novel.