Talk #1: In this insightful session, Dr. Hawkins and his wife, Susan discuss the reality of life and its challenges. He stresses the importance of faith and prayer in daily living and how to maintain a spiritual awareness in life. Glamour, greed and human wants are also discussed. In addition, we are given a truth that we can use when life gets to be too much to handle. Dr. Hawkins also addresses the phrase "like goes to like" and the value of acceptance in one's life.
Talk #2: Join Dr. Hawkins and his wife Susan as they explore the topic of "Improving Your Relationships". All kinds of relationships are discussed: Those with partners, children, animals and most importantly, our relationship with God. To be aware that you are constantly in the Presence of God alters your way of being in the world and cancels negativities. Dr. Hawkins also discusses how it's O.K. to have negative feelings and to not let them dominate your life, but accept them as a passing phenomena. He also talks about how Love can be a spiritual condition that prevails all the time in all situations. Also mentioned is the value of taking a daily moral inventory of yourself and to ask God to show you where you could improve. Finally, Dr. Hawkins closes with the message to be as loving as possible in all conditions to all of life with the realization that we are accountable to Divinity for all that we do.
Talk #3: In this in-depth discussion Dr. Hawkins and his wife Susan explore the different facets of spirituality. Spirituality is actually the realization that one's reality is beyond the physical. There comes to be an overwhelming awareness of the infinite Presence of God. Dr. Hawkins discusses the various ways to open ourselves to this awareness, with a specific prayer we can use and a certain way to view the world.