A brutal murder in a small town...
The Civil War has just ended and world-weary Sheriff Jesse Smith likes his town quiet and peaceful. Woken one night, when the body of a young woman is found torn apart, that peace is quickly shattered as it dawns on him that a predator is among them.
Everyone is a suspect...
With little to go on, all the men in the town are potential suspects, and Jesse begins an investigation that spans across the social spectrum. Unable to find the killer, the mayor goes against Jesse's wishes and decides to bring in bounty hunters. But the cure may be more dangerous than the disease.
As another murder occurs under their noses, Jesse realizes he is outmatched and facing an evil he has never encountered. He enlists the help of an alienist from Harvard University. Someone trained in the new science of the mind. Together they are about to journey into the darkest recesses of the human soul, and they may not make it out alive...